Apr 23, 2010


XX. If this is the first time you've heard about them, you're already way too late. They're 19. They're talented.

With the exception of The Intro, every track on XX is equally superb. (Only reason I say that is it's my favorite track.) If you wake up to The Intro every day for the next 30 years, it's equivalent to that green line in the Fidelity commercials.

I'm rambling. Video for "Islands" came out recently, and it's a fucking quality video. If you can tolerate extreme vertigo, definitely watch it (only 2:45) and then think about it the entire weekend.

Side note:

These days, it's hard to have a good old fashioned quality video that's not "OK GO viral". (I just found out recently that OK GO is a band. I thought they were videographers who just produced viral 4-5 minute clips online.) Who has the money to do it, let alone fans who have time to watch a 5-min video online? (You sure as hell don't see music videos on TV, I tell you that.) When was the last time you fully watched a 3-min video on this blog? Seriously.