Jun 16, 2010

Meet Hayabusa, the real gangster

The Japanese Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) sent a spacecraft to land on a comet to collect data that might lead us to answers on the origin of the universe. It re-entered Earth on June 13th.

Did you read what I just wrote? Human beings built a robot that left our planet to travel 1.25 billion miles to land on something that's 585 yards wide, traveling in space at 56,000mph. Michael Bay couldn't even sell that to Paramount. If I told you it's the equivalent of shooting a dove in Moscow from Daly City, I'd be lying because that would be a million times easier.

Before you start worrying about whether what kind of bagel to have for breakfast, peep this video. It's a recording from a plane that shows the re-entry of Hayabusa, the big-dicked spaceship that made this all possible.